signoz OSS for observability platform


Signoz is an open-source monitoring tool that provides distributed tracing and metrics. It allows tracking of distributed system-wide tracing, metrics, alerts, and log management. This enables visualization of the overall system performance and facilitates quick identification and resolution of issues.

Key features of Signoz include:

  • Distributed tracing: Tracks how requests or transactions move across multiple microservices.
  • Metrics: Monitors the performance of services and resources, assisting in issue identification and resolution.
  • Alerts: Set user-defined thresholds to receive notifications when issues occur.
  • Log management: Stores event logs that can be used for debugging and issue resolution.

Built on popular open-source tools like Jaeger and Prometheus, Signoz balances ease of use and flexibility. It also supports integration with container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes and Docker.

Signoz's GitHub repository can be found at the following URL:

By using Signoz, collecting distributed system tracing and metrics, monitoring issues, and resolving them becomes easier. Through visualization and analysis of the entire system, it is possible to improve performance and ensure system stability.

Use Cases for Signoz OSS

Signoz OSS is an open-source monitoring tool that supports monitoring and troubleshooting of distributed systems. Below, we explain in detail how Signoz OSS is used in certain software architectures, why it is used in those software architectures.

Use Cases

For example, if a company adopts a microservices architecture, multiple services collaborate to provide services. In such cases, real-time monitoring of the performance and errors of each service is necessary, and quick response is required when issues arise. Signoz OSS is very useful for companies adopting microservices architecture as it can effectively and rapidly monitor the performance of the entire distributed system in such situations.

Use in Software Architectures

Signoz OSS is a monitoring tool based on distributed tracing. Distributed tracing visualizes the flow of requests between services and components cooperating to provide services, enabling the identification of delays or errors. Therefore, it is suitable for use in systems that utilize microservices architecture, containers like Docker, and Kubernetes.

Purpose of Use

Companies that adopt microservices architecture must monitor and troubleshoot services that collaborate to provide services, making monitoring crucial. By using Signoz OSS, visualizing the flow of requests between services in real-time and accurately and swiftly identifying the causes of delays and errors become possible. This helps maintain service quality and reduce response times in case of failures.

The Signoz source code includes the following key packages:

  1. agent:

    • This package contains the code of agents running on systems or servers, collecting real-time metrics and trace data and sending it to the Signoz platform.
  2. api:

    • This package contains the code of Signoz's API server, providing endpoints for users to customize dashboards and query data.
  3. frontend:

    • This package contains the code of Signoz's frontend application, offering an interface for users to view visualization dashboards and configure alerts.
  4. storage:

    • This package contains the code of storage engines used by Signoz to persist data. Currently, PostgreSQL is supported, but other database engines may be supported in the future.
  5. utils:

    • This package contains various utility functions and tools used throughout Signoz. This includes data conversion and processing, error handling, and configuration management.

These packages provide the necessary components to realize the key functionalities of the Signoz project. Each package is appropriately divided to ensure code maintainability and extensibility. The Signoz source code is available at, so those interested can check for more details.

OSS Syncthing was first released in 2013. It currently has 1.8k Github stars and 60 contributors. Syncthing is open-source software designed for data synchronization and sharing. Contributors work on code improvements, bug fixes, and adding new features. Syncthing is widely used as a simple and secure file synchronization solution.

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