kaniko OSS

What is Kaniko

Kaniko is a tool for building Docker images, and it is an open-source project. Unlike traditional Docker build tools, Kaniko does not require a Docker daemon and runs within a Kubernetes cluster. This can lead to improvements in security and performance.

Kaniko takes a Dockerfile as input and generates a Docker image that can be pushed to a Docker registry. It provides various useful features such as caching authentication credentials for Docker registries and conducting reproducible builds without using cache.

Kaniko is widely used in various use cases in container development, such as CI/CD pipelines and application deployment on Kubernetes.

Github URL

Kaniko Github

You can check detailed information, documentation, and the latest release information of Kaniko from the above URL.

GoogleContainerTools Kaniko OSS Use Cases

Kaniko is a tool for building Docker images, running builds in a clean and reliable context without requiring a Docker daemon. This allows for improved security, reliability, and easy integration.

Software Architecture

Kaniko performs builds inside containers, so it is commonly used on container orchestration tools like Kubernetes without the need for standard build tools or a Docker daemon. After building the image specified in the Dockerfile, Kaniko packages the image into an OCI (Open Container Initiative) formatted tar archive.

Reasons for Using Kaniko

There are several reasons to use Kaniko. Firstly, it can build containers inside a container without the need for a Docker daemon, which enhances security and reliability. Additionally, Kaniko enables builds in a clean environment, allowing for highly reproducible builds. It also facilitates easy integration with CI/CD pipelines and development environments, enabling efficient and reliable container image builds.

In summary, Kaniko is a useful tool for prioritizing security and reliability in Docker image builds, as well as for easily conducting builds within a Kubernetes environment.

For each package in the k0s source code


  • Contains the implementation of Kaniko's command-line interface (CLI).
  • Provides commands for users to build container images using Kaniko.


  • Contains the execution engine.
  • Parses Dockerfiles to create images and executes the build process.


  • Contains the core functionality of Kaniko.
  • Includes essential functionalities for the build process such as creating image layers, saving Docker images, and handling caching.


  • Contains various packages of Kaniko.
  • Includes functionalities related to the entire build process such as build options, context processing, and image name parsing.


  • Contains a test suite.
  • Includes automated tests to ensure the code operates correctly.

For more detailed information, please refer to the GitHub repository (https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kaniko).

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