Java gRPC Framework OSS

Here are some open-source gRPC frameworks written in Java:

  1. gRPC-Java

    • gRPC-Java is the official Java implementation of gRPC.
    • It uses Protocol Buffers to provide efficient communication between servers and clients.
    • It includes the key features of gRPC such as binary protocol, RPC-style communication, and support for multiple languages.
    • GitHub:
  2. Helidon gRPC

    • Helidon is a lightweight Java framework for building microservices, and Helidon gRPC provides support for gRPC.
    • You can easily create gRPC servers and clients using annotations.
    • It supports features like asynchronous communication, streaming, and gRPC security.
    • GitHub:
  3. Micronaut gRPC

    • Micronaut is a lightweight and fast Java framework, and Micronaut gRPC provides the functionality of gRPC.
    • You can easily create gRPC servers and clients using annotations.
    • It is known for its low memory consumption, fast startup, reactive programming, and cloud-native design.
    • GitHub:
  4. Spring Boot gRPC

    • Spring Boot gRPC is a project that provides support for using gRPC with Spring Boot.
    • You can leverage the features of Spring Framework and Spring Boot.
    • It creates gRPC servers and clients using automatically generated Java code from Protocol Buffers.
    • GitHub:

These frameworks are convenient tools for creating gRPC servers and clients using Java. Each framework caters to different environments and requirements, so you can choose the one that aligns with your project's needs.

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