Cloud Robotics Core OSS by Google

Cloud Robotics Core

Cloud Robotics Core, an OSS project by Google, is a package designed to assist in the development and deployment of robot applications. This project is designed to facilitate the management and monitoring of cloud-based robot applications.

Feature Overview

Cloud Robotics Core includes the following key features:

  • Deployment and management of robot applications
  • Monitoring robot status and collecting logs
  • Analyzing and visualizing traffic
  • Real-time communication and data synchronization


Cloud Robotics Core supports ROS (Robot Operating System) and ROS 2, aiding in the development and operation of robot applications. It operates on Google Cloud, ensuring scalability and improved security.

GitHub URL:

The GitHub repository for Cloud Robotics Core contains source code and documentation, providing detailed information and instructions for contribution. Please feel free to refer to it.

  • Many companies, including major automotive manufacturers and robotics companies, are utilizing Google's OSS Cloud Robotics Core.
  • Cloud Robotics Core, as an open-source robotics platform provided by Google, offers rich features to support robot development and operation. This enables developers and companies to flexibly build and operate robot systems on the cloud.
  • The GitHub URL ( hosts the latest code and documentation for Cloud Robotics Core. Developers and companies can contribute to the project from there. Moreover, the project is actively maintained, with new features and improvements regularly added.

Cloud Robotics Core Source Code Packages

  1. crd
  • This package contains Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) for Cloud Robotics Core. CRDs define new types of resources on Kubernetes.
  1. crsync
  • This package includes synchronization functionality between Cloud Robotics Core and local systems, allowing data transmission from devices like robot agents to the cloud.
  1. deployment
  • This package comprises features related to the deployment of Cloud Robotics Core. Deployment mechanisms manage containerized applications on Kubernetes.
  1. grpc
  • This package contains the gRPC interface for Cloud Robotics Core. gRPC, developed by Google, is a framework for efficient and lightweight remote procedure calls (RPC).
  1. kubeutil
  • This package includes utility functions for Cloud Robotics Core's integration with Kubernetes. This simplifies resource management and cluster operations on Kubernetes.
  1. robot
  • This package encompasses robot-related functionalities for Cloud Robotics Core, including control of robot agents and management of robot status. These packages constitute the core components of Cloud Robotics Core, an OSS project by Google, with each package separated by functionality to aid developers in understanding the code with focused attention on specific features.

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